Why Skill Building?​

In Pakistan, the underprivileged class faces a distressing reality marked by a high rate of unemployment. Despite the nation’s potential for growth, this marginalized segment encounters numerous obstacles that hinder their economic advancement. The lack of access to quality education and skills training compounds the issue, resulting in a shortage of competent professionals in various sectors. This deficit not only limits the individual prospects of the underprivileged but also impedes the nation’s overall progress. However, there is hope on the horizon. By focusing on building skills and competencies, particularly through institutes like Ummeed Trust Institute, a transformative change can be sparked. Empowering the underprivileged with practical skills equips them to participate actively in the workforce, bridging the gap between their aspirations and the demands of the job market. Through comprehensive educational programs and targeted support, we have the potential to reshape the future for the underprivileged, fostering self-reliance, boosting employability, and contributing to a more prosperous Pakistan for all.

What We Do?​

At Ummeed Trust Institute, our purpose is to ignite the flames of transformation by providing accessible education, fostering skills development, and cultivating a sense of empowerment among the underprivileged. We understand the challenges faced by this segment of society, particularly the high rate of unemployment and the lack of competent professionals. With this in mind, our institute is dedicated to offering a range of skills-building short courses that are tailored to address the demands of the modern job market.

How We Work?​

At Ummeed Trust Institute, our approach is centered around a comprehensive journey of growth and transformation. We believe that empowerment is not just a destination; it’s a process that involves nurturing skills, gaining real-world exposure, and ultimately finding meaningful employment. Here’s how we make it happen:


Skills Training

Industry Exposure With Internships​

Job Placement​

Skills Building For Empowerment​​:

Our core focus is on skills building. Through carefully designed short courses such as Video Editing, Social Media Marketing, Spoken English, Cooking, and Embroidery Punching, we empower individuals to gain practical knowledge and competencies that are relevant and applicable in today’s industries.

Financial Aid And Accessibility: ​

We believe that education should be a right, not a privilege. To ensure inclusivity, we provide financial aid to deserving candidates, removing the financial barriers that often restrict access to quality education. This approach enables us to reach those who need it most, regardless of their economic circumstances.

Internship Opportunities​​:

We don’t stop at education. Understanding the importance of real-world experience, we collaborate with partners to offer internship opportunities for students who successfully complete our courses. These internships bridge the gap between classroom learning and practical application, equipping our students with a competitive edge in the job market.

Community Impact​​:

Beyond individual growth, we are committed to making a positive impact on the community. By empowering the underprivileged with skills and competencies, we aim to create a competent workforce that contributes to the nation’s development and prosperity.

Our Courses​​






meet our team

our instructors


Tarannum Shahwar

I'm Tarannum Shahwar, a certified teacher with 15+ years of experience in the USA and Pakistan. I believe in unlocking every student's potential, creating a supportive learning environment, and empowering them to excel in English. Through engaging lessons, I build confidence and encourage effective communication skills for success both in and out of the classroom.


Muhammad Rehan Ikram

I'm Muhammad Rehan Ikram, a seasoned professional in Embroidery Design with over eight years of experience. I've applied my expertise at esteemed organizations including Fiza Embroidery, Humble Textile, Momina Textile, Pacific with Meeral, and Manara By Maria, serving in the role of an Embroidery Designer.


Khurram Khalid

Hello, I'm Khurram Khalid, a dedicated professional with five years of expertise in photography, videography, and video editing. My extensive experience includes successful contributions to national and international projects in fashion, weddings, and corporate law

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